Dan Vicroy
Senior R&D Engineer
Dan joined Adaptive Aerospace Group following a 42-year career as a research engineer at NASA’s Langley Research Center. His research over the past decade has focused on the unique flight dynamics, control and departure characteristics associated with tailless aircraft configurations such as the Blended-Wing-Body transport concept. He also participated in an international cooperative research effort to improve computational prediction capability for aircraft stability and control. He has extensive wind tunnel, flight test, and simulation experience.
Dan is an Associate Fellow of the AIAA and active in the local section. He was the Hampton Roads Section (HRS) Chairman in 1996 and led a section delegation visit of its Chinese Sister Section at the Changsha Institute of Technology in Changsha China. That year the HRS continued its tradition of winning the Outstanding Section Award.
Dan has authored or co-authored over 70 technical publications and has received numerous NASA Performance, Special Achievement and Group Achievement Awards including the NASA Exceptional Service Medal in 2008. Other awards include: